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Hot Tub Forum / Re: Order new tub With Circulation pump -or- Without? Why or Why Not?
« Last post by Davekro on January 08, 2024, 02:43:35 am »
I appreciate your experience and perspective. I am a big believer in KISS. That being said, the tendency to be pulled towards the dark side (ADHD/ OCD ;o).. can be strong in this one! LOL So I am glad to get these words of experience and wisdom. I will aspire to heed them.

And a huge thank you again. Your link to JoyfullNoise's description of How the EOS system functions was music to my indecisive mind after literally just committing to the B'frog spa w/ EOS ozone and no Circ pump. I read it outside the B'frog dealer after making my purchase. Quoting the most reverent Rickie Bobby from Talladega Nights https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0415306/... "Thank you baby Jesus!"  8)

 It goes without saying that I will still be diligent about testing and balancing w/ my Taylor kit, but now feel great about not spending another $2k to order a New Bullfrog to get their programable Circ. pump. Woo Hoo! I need to figure this chemical and balancing stuff out soon. It is possible my tub might be able to be delivered in two days!!!  :D

 I have customers that test everyday and add this and that and this and that and spa in a chem bath. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid... Test 1x per week unless you have a noticeable issue. Clean filters weekly... biweekly at most and soak in filter wash every 6 weeks. Use Spa Shock to control organics and use proper sanitization chlorine granule (not pucks) or Bromine. Lock in your alkalinity first and then adjust your PH next.  If it looks clean and clear and smells clean your good. JMO
Hot Tub Forum / Re: Order new tub With Circulation pump -or- Without? Why or Why Not?
« Last post by Davekro on January 06, 2024, 06:17:19 pm »
Thank you, @CanadianSpaTech ! Post #14 by JoyfulNoise (TFP Expert) on the thread you linked speaks very specifically to how ozone should and should not be used in a hot tub. Since I literally just put $17,000 cash down on the counter of my Bullfrog dealer to buy my A6L Select trim level with Bullfrog's EOS (Enhanced Ozone System). I have been asking on this forum and PSF forum for specifically how long one should run 'regular ozone generator vs. the EOS ozone which mixes ozone with the water in an enclosed chamber, at a MUCH higher concentration than the standard ozone generators that just blow the ozone bubbles into the spa and only react with the spa water for as long as it takes for the bubbles to rise from the bottom to the surface. Then that ozone bubble hits the surface and creates the 'ozone cloud' which is I assume what causes deterioration of the cover and headrests.

Part of JoyfulNoise's comments in that thread, post #14:
"There are right ways to use ozone and very wrong ways to use it."

"Ozone should be applied as a supplemental oxidizer to chlorine or bromine. It should be applied for only a period of time that it has an actual effect (removal of CCs) and then it should be stopped. Ozone is a very powerful oxidizer that will quickly degrade plastics, cause corrosion of metal parts and is a powerful respiratory irritant that can trigger asthma attacks in vulnerable people. It’s something that should be used sparingly and with proper engineering controls to ensure that people aren’t breathing it in. "

"The EOS system mentioned above actually uses ozone the correct way - it utilizes a contact tank to treat water slowly and then any residual ozone is released through a blow off valve attached to an active charcoal filter that will neutralize the ozone and turn it back into harmless oxygen gas. In this case, only water in the contact tank gets treated and sent back into the spa. The unit generates 100 grams per hour of ozone, which is actually quite high. It [EOS] only needs to be run for a few hours to destroy bather waste, and then it can be shut off and a chlorine residual can be reestablished. This is the correct way to apply ozone to a hot tub. In the past, tub makers would simply put an ozone generator on one of the recirculation lines and then just power it up when the tub was in standby mode and presumably covered. That method over utilizes ozone, which then will destroy chlorine as it builds up. It also causes rapid wear and tear on the CD ozone generator, which will quickly fail within a year from constant use. "

That part in red answers the question that remained unanswered after days of asking in forums and Googling the question. THANK YOU CanadianSpaTech!!! Now I feel great that the default 2 hours, 2x/day will give the A6L's 310 gallons of water plenty of ozone treatment. It goes without saying that I will still be diligent about testing and balancing w/ my Taylor kit, but now feel great about not spending another $2k to order a New Bullfrog to get their programmable Circ. Pump. Woo Hoo! I need to figure this chemical and balancing stuff out soon. It is possible my tub might be able to be delivered in two days!!!  :D

Question: What chemical do I need to use to lower the hardness after I fill the tub (and before I turn the heat on)? I think that is lowering the calcium?? A recommended brand and name of the chemical, or even a link would be most helpful.
Thanks in advance,
Also consider a jet pump can move more water in 4 hours per day than a circ pump for 24. So I'm not sure the energy savings, if any, produces the same results?

You have to also heat the water rather than just move as much as you can as quick as you can to keep it clean. Dedicated circulating pumps pull under 200 watts, prevent stagnant water and heat more consistently over time. You can always run your full power jets for extra filtration, even program that in.

Just my thoughts.
Hot Tub Forum / Re: Repacement Jets for 2002 Cameo - Differ Style
« Last post by brian_tr on January 04, 2024, 06:47:54 pm »
I thinking of trying to glue the nozzle where it will stay to the side.  What kind of glue would work in water?
Hot Tub Forum / Repacement Jets for 2002 Cameo - Differ Style
« Last post by brian_tr on January 04, 2024, 04:55:06 pm »
Doing some work on my 2002 Sundance Cameo.  Replacing Remote control panel for the second time, filter and pillows.  Having Jet troubles.  The replacements I got the nozzle wont stay to the side.  Keep going back to the middle.  I was wondering if there is a different style that would fit'

This is what I have

[/url]55-110-1728_LG by Brian Trommater, on Flickr[/img]

Would something like this work?

[/url]55-110-1730_LG by Brian Trommater, on Flickr[/img]
Hot Tub Forum / Re: Order new tub With Circulation pump -or- Without? Why or Why Not?
« Last post by Davekro on January 03, 2024, 05:02:46 pm »
@BullFrogSpasMN ,
Thank you for the thoughts on Circ pump + Wellspring (regular) ozone generator. Since my original post, I have now committed to buying a 2023 A6L Select floor model. It has the EOS ozone system and no Circ. pump.

My initial post was trying to determine how many hours per day the EOS OZONE GENERATOR System needed to run per day for it to clean the best it is designed to.

My yet to arrive A6L will have just the Jet pump #1's low speed circulation (NOT a Circ. pump or Wellspring) to distribute the EOS System's OZONE into the water during its 2 hours, 2 x/ day default filter schedule plus whenever the thermostat call for heating. With the theoretical 'double the Ozone production of the EOS System' over regular ozone generators (like Wellspring), is this ozone system cleaning to its capacity? –OR– should the Jet pump filtration times be set for 'X' minutes every hour, every two hours or what ever to maximize getting as much ozone infused into the spa water to do it's best cleaning?

I understand there are many variables. Colder climates will run heating filtration more time than, say, the northern Calif. climate I am in. Occupancy and usage: Mostly just my wife and I probably daily. Of course, I'll need to keep on top of the PH, alkalinity, and initial fill hardness balance as well as the Bromine or Chlorine* level. Is there even any way to tell if your water is getting enough Ozone infused into the spa water to be its most effective?

In the Chlorine/ Bromine debate, I am probably going with Bromine.
Are the floating Frog type Mineral/ Bromine (or chlorine?) systems more or less called for or useful when running the EOS Enhance Ozone System (w/ Jet pump filtration, not Circ. pump)? Any opinions of using
I guess I should look at my municipal company's water supply report to get a sense of the copper & other mineral content of my water.

@Tman122 and @Ripper238 ,
Thanks for your comments. I am familiar with the stronger filtration via the Jet Pump vs. the varying lower GPM Circ. pump filtration speeds. I have no concern about any difference in energy use (have solar) between Circ. pump vs. Jet pump filtering. My sole question is how do I maximize the Ozone infusion day to day given my having  the Bullfrog Enhance Ozone System (EOS), strictly running when Jet filtration, and/or heating is running.
Hot Tub Forum / Re: Order new tub With Circulation pump -or- Without? Why or Why Not?
« Last post by Tman122 on January 03, 2024, 08:29:39 am »
Also consider a jet pump can move more water in 4 hours per day than a circ pump for 24. So I'm not sure the energy savings, if any, produces the same results?
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