Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: jeff925 on March 01, 2007, 12:38:30 pm

Title: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: jeff925 on March 01, 2007, 12:38:30 pm
What is the best/cheapest place to buy chemicals? I am using Chlorine along with Hotsprings version of Nature 2

(and don't say the grocery store  :) as a new spa owner i am not quite ready to buy bleach and baking soda yet.)

Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: Chad on March 01, 2007, 01:14:24 pm
Shop around.
I found a local Leslie's Pool Supply nearby and their prices seem to be one of the cheapest I came across. I bought my my Taylor kit from them but I buy the majority of my chems from my dealer. I like to support them as much as possible b/c they treat/treated me excellent.
Btw, pH and alk + chems are the exact same as Baking Soda(sodium bicarbonate).
So go to the grocery store unless you feel like wasting your money. ;)
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: jeff925 on March 01, 2007, 01:20:12 pm
ok, but are the concentrations the same?

Does 1 Tsp of alk up = 1 tsp of baking soda?

I have my water totally dialed in right now and hate to play with it.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: Chad on March 01, 2007, 01:25:49 pm
ok, but are the concentrations the same?

Does 1 Tsp of alk up = 1 tsp of baking soda?

I have my water totally dialed in right now and hate to play with it.
I beleive Arm and Hammer BS is 100% sodium bicarbonate.
It should say on your alk + what the % is.
What kind is it? You want to use the highest percentage product as possible. It takes less to do the same thing and keeps your TDS down.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: tony on March 01, 2007, 01:28:19 pm
ok, but are the concentrations the same?

Does 1 Tsp of alk up = 1 tsp of baking soda?

I have my water totally dialed in right now and hate to play with it.

Yes, 1 tsp alk up = 1 tsp baking soda.

Bleach is a little more complicated.  PH is high and much care must be used when adding.  Dichlor is better, easier and pH neutral.  Try for chems.  Good selection and reasonable prices.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: wmccall on March 01, 2007, 01:32:21 pm
I found it varies dramatically. Buying online, don't forget shipping cost. This can be economical if you buy a lot at once.  For me, the cheapest Dichlor is at the local Hot Springs dealer, located close to my work.    303 Cover protectant, a local Marine store, and the only place I can get my favorite filter cleaner is my Sundance store.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: nlittle on March 01, 2007, 02:23:22 pm
I did some research when I got my tub on this same question.  After not really finding a huge difference in prices, I decided to spend a few extra bucks and support my dealer.  
IMO if they see me once in awhile it will keep the actual relationship going, especially beneficial in case of warranty work etc.  
I always get my regular maintenace done at the car dealership until my warranty is gone too.  They tend to treat me well when I have a problem.  
Love thy dealer.   ;)
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: Chas on March 01, 2007, 02:25:58 pm
OK, so which do you want,

The best,

or the cheapest?

I would say the best would be your local dealer. They have a vested interest in keeping you happy, keeping your tub running smoothly, and keeping your business.

Usually pays off dividends in the long run, even if you spend a few more coins getting your supplies.

Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: jeff925 on March 01, 2007, 03:17:54 pm
you guys make some good points.

for Dichlor, I will go to my dealer

for alk up, baking soda

Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: drewstar on March 01, 2007, 03:19:56 pm
for the PH and ALK I buy the big jugs from a pool wharehouse place.  Much much cheaper than "spa store prices"

For dichlor and test strips, filter clean I toss my dealer the business. I pay a bit more for it, but I like keeping in a relationship with them. They give me good service and free delivery so it's a nice convience.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: Vinny on March 01, 2007, 03:34:00 pm
I guess depending on where you live going to the dealer may be a wise investment.

I buy ALK up (which also doubles as PH up for me) from the supermarket - generic baking soda $0.99 for 2 lbs.

Dichlor - 5 lbs for $30 from rhtubs ... Doc's place - I support Doc because I received a lot of good info there before finding this site and he has very good pricing. My dealer charges about $23 for enhanced shock - 2 lbs ... much better deal at Doc's.

PH down, Walmart ... don't use it too often.

Just bought some Spa Frogs on ebay for about $18.00 each.

If my dealer was a little more reasonable in prices, I probably would go there for most of the chems. Having a good relationship with the dealer is a valuable thing. I do plan on buying my filters from her when the time comes.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: Pathfinder on March 01, 2007, 07:19:15 pm
It should really come down to if you like your dealer or not.  If you bought your tub just because then go where ever but if you bought your tub based on the dealer then that is where you should buy  bc who is going to be there in the end when you need them not W-Mart or w/e  you support them they take care of you especially when it comes time for maybe a new tub.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: Vinny on March 01, 2007, 08:44:01 pm
It should really come down to if you like your dealer or not.  If you bought your tub just because then go where ever but if you bought your tub based on the dealer then that is where you should buy  bc who is going to be there in the end when you need them not W-Mart or w/e  you support them they take care of you especially when it comes time for maybe a new tub.

I only agree with this 50%. I agree that you should give business to your dealer but not if it costs you a bundle to do so. If 2 lbs of chlorine costs $14 on line (or at another dealer) and your dealer sells it for $24 - why shop there but if it's $16 your dealer - OK. Buying the tub is 1/2 the equation the other 1/2 is everything else. I once went to a pool dealer and bought 1 qt of polyquat for $24 and then went to Leslies and bought 1/2 gallon for $16 ... same stuff, different name.

Is there a guarantee that the dealer will be there for you? There's no guarantee. Do I want my dealer to be there for me - YES. Will I send others to her - DEFINATELY YES!!! Without knowing all the details of running a spa business - how is it that someone can sell a product for that much more?  I would say they either buy it for more or they want to make as much profit on it or a combination of both.

Unfortunately, like everything else this has been debated and will go on being debated.

I don't expect a Walmart employee to be able to answer hot tub questions but then again having someone giving instuctions at a dealer may be worse. A dealer giving bad info may be worse than going to Walmart or buying on-line. I have been given bad info at dealers before, luckily I knew better.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: Gomboman on March 01, 2007, 10:51:39 pm
I would suggest buying chemicals from your local dealer. I try to support my dealer since I appreciate their service. A few dollars here and there shouldn't make a huge difference for you. If your dealer's a clown go to doc's site.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: vlady on March 02, 2007, 12:40:38 pm
My dealer is more than 70 miles away but I order chemicals and filters from them.  I just call them and they ship it to me.  Usually, they throw in a few goodies like fragrances, ducks, or coupons with the shipment.
Title: Re: Best/Cheapest Place to Buy Chemicals???
Post by: Chas on March 03, 2007, 12:14:43 pm
My local Dynasty/US Tooling dealer is closing his doors after 25 years in business. He told me he would be selling off chems at his cost.

I just don't know if he will have time to ship orders. Maybe if the orders were large enough.
