Hot Tub Forum

General => General info Somewhat hot tub related => Topic started by: Steve on September 24, 2005, 03:05:14 am

Title: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: Steve on September 24, 2005, 03:05:14 am
OK...quick funny story to give you a chuckle for the day...

So I'm in my hotel and after the first night, my "key" didn't work in my door. You have to understand that this is a fricken huge hotel and the walk from the front desk seems like miles to my room. I'm beat and now I have to make this daunting trip back to the front desk carrying my laptop bag (which weighs as much as you probably) is not something I'm looking forward to. I'm jovial and polite and ask for my card to be replaced. No problem!

Tonight after supper and getting back to room just exhausted, wouldn't ya know it...same thing! I try it 50 times trying to slide the card in slowly, then fast then slowly and get the picture right? Nothing's working and now I'm pissed. If I knew the number to the hotel I would have stayed at my door, called down from my cell and got them to bring me up a fricken key that works. So here I am getting more and more pissed as I walk downstairs and complete my journey to the front desk. I introduce myself (nowhere NEAR as jovial this time) and tell them that is the second time in 2 days this has happened and I'm beginning to get a little pissed. Exact words by the way! I explain that after a 15 hour day, the last thing I want is to pack a lunch and make the trip back down here. I hand over my card for them to rekey it and continue to mumble under my breath. After a couple of seconds, she politely hands back the card and says " Well Mr. Russell, this card is from a Holiday Inn and we're a Travel Lodge". Oh SHIT! The best I could do is offer a stupid look (to match my actions).

So here's me almost hiding behind the counter feeling like a real shmuck after b*tching this poor girl out with the silliest grin on my face. The girl beside her starts laughing and says "You KNOW we're going to laugh at this one right?". As I sheepishly walk away after offering my sincerest apologies all I can do is ask her to wait until I'm out of earshot before they start laughing again! Ohhhh man did I feel like an ass!

The things we do when our minds have shut down on us before we actually get to bed! I'm just hoping that the same 2 girls aren't still there in the morning when I check out!

Welcome to my life on the road!!!

Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: Mendocino101 on September 24, 2005, 03:24:23 am You are a road rookie right... ;).... reminds me of a story of a good friend of mine who very much liked to enjoy the fruit of the vine from time to time along with most anything that Mexico or the south might offer.... We lived in a 16 story high rise in Santa Monica and all the floors looked a like as did the apartments.well my buddy would often be found in the morning passed out in front of the wrong door as "his Key" never worked...the only reason he got away with it he was a fairly well known actor and had TV series going at the time.... so people were a bit more forgiving...  ::)
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: HotTubMan on September 24, 2005, 09:08:39 am

I gotta ask, what were you doing with the Holiday Inn key in your pocket?

Does Mrs.Russell know you get two hotel rooms when you are on the road ;)
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: SpaMan on September 24, 2005, 11:10:32 am
Steve to help ease your pain I was at a Coleman Awards banquet in Phoenix at the Hyatt several years ago, and after the banquet, well as alot of people do I went to mingle at the bar with other dealers, and decided it was time for bed, I went up to my room, tried the key like you 50 times and nothing, I make the trek to the front desk twice with cards that dont work. finally the gal at the counter decides she will come with me and try it. We took the elevator to the 9th floor, And I said wait the 9th floor? Of course I had been on the 8th floor twice.. Glad I am not the only one and I try and blaim alchohol though I hadnt had that much. :-/ :-/
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: Steve on September 24, 2005, 11:18:42 am
I can totally relate. When I went down the first time, I had to confirm my room number thinking I might have the wrong room!I was quietly sliding the key in thinking if it was the wrong room, I don't want someone to think that I'm trying to break in! ;D

I have a bad habit of keeping these cards in my wallet and forgetting to return them on check out. Maybe I'll sell them on EBay! ;D

Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: stuart on September 24, 2005, 05:49:12 pm
I've kept all of my cards from the road and plan on creating a card game with them when I have time to play again!! ;D ;D

It's nice to hear that we are of similar personalities (like I didn't know that already!!) ;)
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: wmccall on September 25, 2005, 11:50:53 am
When you wake up, have to walk to the window to see what state/province you are in, then you know you are traveling too much.

On the lines of the brand confusion you mentioned. A bunch of us CompuServe techies had piled into a cargo van (5 of us, 2 seats) and had worked all day getting a new building open.  We were all beat  and I was one of the 3 laying down on mover's pad in the cargo area. Steve (must be the name) was driving and wanted to go to Burger King on the way back to the shop. We all gave our orders and threw money on the console.  

We get there, Steve spews out the order (one order to keep it simple on the cashiering moron)  The last thing Steve asks for is "a quarter pounder w/cheese"  I'm thinking he went to the McD's next door by mistake. The girl replies, "Would you like a Whopper?", Steve's reply, "No, I want a quarter pounder with cheese" This goes back and forth, with my easy to aggrivate 6th degree blackbelt friend getting hotter and hotter till I finally get up and tell him, Steve, Quarter pounders are sold at McDonalds, your at a Burger King.  He had the whopper.
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: Brewman on September 25, 2005, 12:14:38 pm
I worked at Burger King back when I was in high school.
We got that stuff a lot- especially in the drive thru.

One funny story from back then.  One night I was working at the counter- and some lady came up and started ripping on my furiously.  Apparently she'd been sitting at a booth for over 15 minutes, and NOBODY even came over to greet them, let alone take their order.  I guess the line of customers in the front of the store didn't register anything with her.  If I recall, she just left out of frustration.    
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: stl-rex on September 26, 2005, 12:34:24 am
Well Mr. Russell, this card is from a Holiday Inn and we're a Travel Lodge". Oh SHIT! The best I could do is offer a stupid look (to match my actions).

If you upped your prices, you could stay at a Marriot ;D
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: Mendocino101 on September 26, 2005, 02:25:20 am

If you upped your prices, you could stay at a Marriot ;D

I have tried the Marriott but each time all the rooms are booked by the Arctic guys.... ;)
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: wmccall on September 26, 2005, 08:13:56 am

I have tried the Marriott but each time all the rooms are booked by the Arctic guys.... ;)

And anything is better than a Howard Johnson's.  And if you wonder if anyone ever reads those guest cards, they do  ;D
Title: Re: Quick funny story for you guys...
Post by: stl-rex on September 26, 2005, 11:14:48 am

I have tried the Marriott but each time all the rooms are booked by the Arctic guys.... ;)