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Hot Spring Spas / Leaking tub
« Last post by Buzzard bait on April 04, 2024, 02:57:17 pm »
10 year old Grandee has a slow leak. Loses about 2-3” of water a week. Dealer said they would have to take it into the shop. Anyone with experience with this?
While price is a significant factor, especially with such substantial differences, considering the experience and reputation of the dealer is wise. It's crucial to weigh the potential savings against the assurance of reliable service and support over the warranty period. Given Bullfrog's reputation for quality, saving $2,000 to $3,000 might be reasonable, but a larger discount of $5,000 or 30% could warrant taking a chance. Ultimately, ensuring service availability beyond the warranty is essential for long-term peace of mind.
Hot Tub Forum / Re: Favorite spa vacuum?
« Last post by Raymond Enriquez on March 28, 2024, 03:36:27 am »
I generally like using a clear hose and the siphoning method.
We have the same method.
Show us your Hot Tub. / Re: My Aetesian Island Nevis has arrived!
« Last post by Sean Lawrence on March 27, 2024, 06:48:56 am »
This definitely suits my style. 
Show us your Hot Tub. / Re: My Aetesian Island Nevis has arrived!
« Last post by Patrick Bailey on March 15, 2024, 05:33:40 am »
Nice, that's awesome! Perfect for some serious relaxation.
Hot Tub Forum / Re: Repacement Jets for 2002 Cameo - Differ Style
« Last post by Ellen Gallagher on March 15, 2024, 05:27:47 am »
 Sounds like you're knee-deep in spa maintenance! If the replacement jets aren't staying in place, it might be worth looking into different styles that could fit your Sundance Cameo. Sometimes, certain styles just work better with specific models.

Have you checked with a local spa dealer or searched online for compatible jet options? They might have some advice or alternative styles that could solve your jet troubles.
Hey Dave, it's great that you're researching so thoroughly before making your hot tub purchase! It sounds like you've found a new dealer with some tempting discounts, but you're also considering the value of experience and service from a more established dealer. Since a dealer's service team can be crucial, especially for warranty support, it might be worth paying a bit extra for that peace of mind.

If the larger dealer can match or come close to the new dealer's price, that could be a good compromise. Ultimately, the decision depends on how much you value the potential for better service over the savings.
Hot Tub Forum / Re: Struggling with pH Levels in Small Inflatable Hot Tub
« Last post by Sean Lawrence on March 15, 2024, 03:46:40 am »
Dealing with pH levels in hot tubs can be such a pain! It sounds like you're doing all the right things by testing and adding chemicals, but sometimes those levels just don't want to budge. Have you tried using a different pH decrease or maybe adjusting the water flow somehow to help with mixing? It's frustrating when you feel like you're throwing everything at it and nothing's working. Hang in there, hopefully, someone here has some advice that can help you out!
Hot Tub Forum / Re: chlorine
« Last post by Sean Lawrence on March 15, 2024, 03:45:05 am »
Sorry to hear about your skin troubles with the chlorine. It sounds super annoying. If the conditioner didn't help, bromine could be worth a shot. It's gentler on the skin for some folks. Just make sure to read up on how to use it properly since it behaves a bit differently than chlorine. Good luck, hope it sorts out your itchiness!
Taking the tub back to the showroom for an electrical issue? That doesn't sound right. As long as the tech has access to all sides, it should be able to be repaired at your home.

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