Original > Hot Tub Forum

toweled bengaled lady has a question?

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the saleman who sold me the bengal came over and looked at my hot tub b/c no techs were available on a Sunday.

He said that he did not think that there was anything wrong with my hot tub just the hook up.  My electrician did not use the subpanel sold by the dealership.  He got his own.  Apparently he put a double switch on the 30 amp but only a single switch on the 20 amp.  The salesman thinks that is the problem and he said to call the electrician.

That was around 3pm.  I called the eclectrician and gues what he never called back --but it is a Sunday and father's day.

Just now I looked at the subpanel and pressed both testers and then flicked them back on and the tub started heating up and working again.

What do you all think?  Do you think I need to have the eclectrician come anfd put a double switch on the 20 amp or should they send a service tech.

Either way --watch out-- b/c while it still works Im a getting in.

No problem yet - the Bengal IS supposed to have one single breaker and one double breaker. The larger tubs have two double breakers, but not yours.

Nice of the guy to come over - I hope you behaved yourself  ;)


Do you think that this will happen again?  
Why did the salesman think that I needed a double breaker on the 20 and the 30.  THe salesman said the lack of the double switch on the 20 amp is what caused the power to trip --does that sound right?

And I thought it was very nice of the salesman to come look at the tub and I was very behaved.

Well, it's not unusual for the tub to kick out a few times during the initial heat up. If it doesn't reucrr, don't worry about it.

As to the breaker, the salesman has probably seen the sub panels of the larger models which do have to double pole breakers.

Now get out there and soak! Drop and give me twenty - minutes of relaxing that is....

Let the dealer know its up and running and you'll call him back if it reoccurs and will need a service person that time. It may have been an innocent hiccup and maybe not but if there really is an issue it will show up again, and probably soon. You've got a warranty from a good spa maker so they'll take care of it if there is an issue.


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