General > Beating a dead horse


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spa_dr.: - 32k

Here is the address for the video of the report


--- Quote ---What a completely morally bankrupt organization.  Any person that would involve themselves in any way in this scam is nothing but a degenerate at every level.

The idiot consumers let their greed get in the way of their common sense, of which they were obviously in short supply.

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Agree but point #2 is that Master Spas MUST have known what the end result would be. They chose to get in bed with this sleezy act and now they want to say they had nothing to do with it. They took the shortsighted "anything to make a sale" approach which helps up front but can kill you in the long run. They deserve the bad press they get for this.


--- Quote ---
Bullseye!!!  The whole concept is so far fetched that it's difficult to believe anyone would fall for it.  Not that it excuses the scammers, but really.....
 Do the freakin math!!  It's a classic pyramid scheme at the very least.

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they were selling spas not pyramids. you should go to  Just like any scam it involved gaining the confidence of the consumer.

If Master had a deal or partnership with Consumers Trust than Master has to have some liability. It does seem far fetched that anyone would fall for this but if the dealer was promoting the rebate I could see consumers falling for it. I am surprised some Attorney General has not gotten involved.


--- Quote ---If Master had a deal or partnership with Consumers Trust than Master has to have some liability. It does seem far fetched that anyone would fall for this but if the dealer was promoting the rebate I could see consumers falling for it. I am surprised some Attorney General has not gotten involved.
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The two times I have heard of this practice and Master Spa it has been a dealer in Wisconsin.  I know my local Masterspa dealer has never done anything like that. Does this go on elsewhere? Or are we talking one renegade dealer?


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